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~ We use only the best ingredients including Ghirardelli Chocolate Chips, Sun Maid Raisins, C & H Sugars, and Quaker Oaks.
~All our cookies are home made. On the receipt packaged with your delivered order will be the time and date your cookies were removed from the oven.

~The minimum orders for local deliveries are 2 cookies. The minimum number of cookies for shipped orders is 1 baker's dozen. In the confirmation email for your order, it will clearly state local to your door delivery, or the S & H handling cost if required. The preferred delivery date and time is only valid on local orders delivered by us.

~Orders from outside of California must be shipped with Fedex Express to guarantee the freshness and quality of the cookies.

~Minimum Orders may be delayed until they can be baked as part of bigger batch.


Do you have any questions? Send us an e-mail at:


The Talbot Family Cookie Company * La Jolla * California * US * 92122