The Story (Make a real title later.)
It was a hot day, but not any more
so than it had been in the previous. It was too hot to move, to think, or do anything for that matter. Life had
become so boring in the recent months. I had no idea what would happen. Nothing could prepare me for what was
ahead, and I mean nothing.
The museum of art and artifact stood before me. The
bronze statue of the curator eyed me as I irreverantly skipped toward the door. I entered through the front, something that
is becoming uncommon nowadays, to a huge pile of bones...They were remodeling? No. "What's going on," I said. The fifty
people mulling around the room all faced me at once, and in unison said: "nothing, muffin." Muffin? Wasn't that what my
girlfriend used to call me? "Muffin? Muffin?" I rubbed my eyes and was in my bedroom, morning, the first day of summer. My
girlfriend peering over me from above, maroon tank top. And then the explosion of something large and plastic crashing down boomed from the kitchen.
It couldnt have been larger than a blender. I sat up to greet her. She was radiant in the morning, like taking a deep breath
while waking up and your eyes are still closed; nothing but comfort and puffy sheets. She gave you that sort of feeling. Her
mussed hair was illuminated at its borders from the morning light beaming in; she appeared angelic at most, at the minimum
serene. Right now she was both. "Morning." I'd slept well, even my stubble felt refreshed. Jennifer peered at me with puppy
dog brown eyes. We'd been together for a little over a year now. She'd been staying over nearly as long, i remember her telling
me the first morning after, "I like it here, it home" Today was Saturday, i had a lot planned out, first, I
was going to go eat breakfast consisting of bacon, eggs, and some more bacon. I love bacon. One time when I was young I ran
away from home and was forced to be without bacon. It was shortly after my father's death and I had to survive soley on bugs,
but life was great, I lived without a my mistake that was the Lion King. My dad's a drunk who claims he does
only two things: masturbate and watch Food was supposed to be a great day. I was going to go to the
zoo and enjoy my day off. Jen wasn't coming, she was meeting an old high school friend who was in the city
for a week. I was going to stay away from the monkey cages, too familiar. Similar to my father they spent all day masturbating
and watched the food network from the concession stalls behind the fences, seeing but unable to have. Monkeys still had the
upside of throwing crap: my father channeled that long ago subdued habit into raising me. Too familiar. Yet unfamiliar.
Monkeys, just like the great apes had always puzzled me. They were the descendants of ouor common ancestors, some missing
link, an androgenous creature, an amalgam of ape and human parts likely, evolved from the original mammals, rodents, but stronger,
larger and vastly more intelligent. When was it that beasts began to think? To speak? Did we look like humans before we sounded
like humans, or sound like humans before we looked like humans? Scientists have done studies on chimps, our closest living
relatives. Apparently, their screaches are actually a language. When chimps were locked in a booth and prompted to identify
an object on a computer screen from another chimp's hollars, it invariably choose the proper object. The more interesting
fact was that they all seemed to share a common language, even the apes taken from different regions had the same "words."
Fascinating. One time I saw this chimp in a Zoo in St. Louis who had no hair. It looked like an old man. It started eating
its own excrement, a strange habit among the apes. My father was a scientist, who was actually impotent. Never actually having
the benefit of masturbation, he simply massaged his groin. My mother was impregnated through artificial insemination, it's
a strange story really...
Story Contributors:
Justin Byrne (orange)
Martin Francisco (green)
Dwight Kim (blue)
The Story (Make a real title later.)
It was a hot
day, but not any more so than it had been in the previous. It was too hot to move, to think, or do anything for
that matter. Life had become so boring in the recent months. I had no idea what would happen. Nothing could prepare
me for what was ahead, and I mean nothing.
The museum of art and artifact stood
before me. The bronze statue of the curator eyed me as I irreverantly skipped toward the door. I entered through the front,
something that is becoming uncommon nowadays, to a huge pile of bones...They were remodeling? No. "What's going on," I
said. The fifty people mulling around the room all faced me at once, and in unison said: "nothing, muffin." Muffin? Wasn't
that what my girlfriend used to call me? "Muffin? Muffin?" I rubbed my eyes and was in my bedroom, morning, the first day
of summer. My girlfriend peering over me from above, maroon tank top. And then the explosion of something large and plastic
crashing down boomed from the kitchen. It couldnt have been larger than a blender. I sat up to greet her. She was radiant
in the morning, like taking a deep breath while waking up and your eyes are still closed; nothing but comfort and puffy sheets.
She gave you that sort of feeling. Her mussed hair was illuminated at its borders from the morning light beaming in; she appeared
angelic at most, at the minimum serene. Right now she was both. "Morning." I'd slept well, even my stubble felt refreshed.
Jennifer peered at me with puppy dog brown eyes. We'd been together for a little over a year now. She'd been staying over
nearly as long, i remember her telling me the first morning after, "I like it here, it home" Today was Saturday,
i had a lot planned out, first, I was going to go eat breakfast consisting of
bacon, eggs, and some more bacon. I love bacon. One time when I was young I ran away from home and was forced to be without
bacon. It was shortly after my father's death and I had to survive soley on bugs, but life was great, I lived without a
my mistake that was the Lion King. My dad's a drunk who claims he does only two things: masturbate and watch Food
was supposed to be a great day. I was going to go to the zoo and enjoy my day
off. Jen wasn't coming, she was meeting an old high school friend who was in the city for a week. I was going to stay away
from the monkey cages, too familiar. Similar to my father they spent all day masturbating and watched the food network from
the concession stalls behind the fences, seeing but unable to have. Monkeys still had the upside of throwing crap: my father
channeled that long ago subdued habit into raising me. Too familiar. Yet
unfamiliar. Monkeys, just like the great apes had always puzzled me. They were the descendants of ouor common ancestors, some
missing link, an androgenous creature, an amalgam of ape and human parts likely, evolved from the original mammals, rodents,
but stronger, larger and vastly more intelligent. When was it that beasts began to think? To speak? Did we look like humans
before we sounded like humans, or sound like humans before we looked like humans? Scientists have done studies on chimps,
our closest living relatives. Apparently, their screaches are actually a language. When chimps were locked in a booth and
prompted to identify an object on a computer screen from another chimp's hollars, it invariably choose the proper object.
The more interesting fact was that they all seemed to share a common language, even the apes taken from different regions
had the same "words." Fascinating. One time I saw this chimp in a Zoo in St. Louis who had no hair. It loo! ked like an
old man. It started eating its own excrement, a strange habit among the apes. My father was a scientist, who was actually
impotent. Never actually having the benefit of masturbation, he simply massaged his groin. My mother was impregnated through
artificial insemination, it's a strange story really...