Vacation Log: New York June 20th-24th

Here is a shot from our hotel room. A beautiful view of Central Park and the surrounding buildings. |

Another shot from the hotel window, |

Here is my family and I on 6/21/04 getting some lunch in an eatery near Columbia University |

Hey, its Columbia Univeristy. It looks just like UCSD.........not!! |

A library of Columbia, looking good. |

This is one of the comedians we saw, Pete Correale. |

And here is a picture of the headlining comedian, Judy Gold |
San Francisco Vacation Dec 13th-15th 2002
I do not have a vacation log for this trp, but I do have some pictures. Take a look.

Here is the room my sister and I stayed in. |

Here is the hallway you see when you first enter the condo. |

Here is the living/family room of the condo. A very nice place. |

Here is the master bedroom. |

Awwww....what a happy family. |

Is it just me, or do I look really wierd in this picture. |
8/10/02- We were going to leave at about 12:30pm but we didnt really leave until 5:00pm
becuase a lot of last minute things had to be done regarding our kitchen remodeling. The drive is approximately 365
miles. We made two stops. Once to get gas and once to get In n Out. The gas break was appoximately 15 minutes
while the In n Out break was like 30min. I personally like to get done as quickly as possible, but we decided to eat
at the In n Out. We didn't get to my grandmas house until 11:30pm. Unpacked and all that crap. Went to bed
about 1:30am. I am a bit frustrated by this vacation. See, this is the week before some of my best friends leave for
college. We can not go to starbucks one last time etc etc. Also, once I come back many of my friends will be gone
or be leaving shortly after, leading to boredom. Why couldn't this vacation be just one or two weeks later danm
Because of my vacation I decided to visit my Cal friends. I have already bought my plane tickets.
I am flying up on Thursday the 29th of August, and coming back Monday Sept 2nd. It should be sweet.
8/11/02- Woke up at about 11:30am. Watched a little golf with the family.
Tiger won. Read some of Hitch Hikers Guide to the Universe. Washed my aunt's car(SLK 230) who was also here visiting.
Then my mom, my sister and I went to Longs. Then we went to Best Buy and I bought the new Crystal Method Remix CD titled
Community Service. Its pretty good, but not great. Then we went to Chiles for lunch. By the way, it is sooo
freakin hot here. My temp. gauge on my truck read 111 degrees. Holy crap Sac-town is hot. We might go swimming.
It is so crazy here, really anything can happen. One minute I will be typing, another napping, another swimming.
Crazy huh? Hehe. I got a headache so I layed down and played travel connect four with my sister. I never
lost once, but then we played Uno and I never won. After that we went swimming. The water was 82 degrees.
By this time it was 9:30pm. Eat a club sanwhich, and then did my website stuff. Another day done. Tommorow
to Tahoe.
8/12/02- Woke up at 11:30am again today. Everyone is gone but my sister. I watched
a little tv and then signed on to AOL to check my mail and say hi to my buddies. I am quickly notified that my serivice
plan is BRING YOUR OWN SERVICE(I switched to it after getting cable modem) but because I am not at a regular telephone
location I get 2 hrs roaming free and every hour after this is 3 freakin dollars. I downloaded AIM onto the laptop but
I can't get it to work. I tried whiteguywhitewrx and crtonist84 and niether will connect. It says I must verify
by replying to an email but when I check my email to see it, it is not there. Damn this. Anyway, that means
I will be using PHT 3rd at my sn, my dad's sn. I may switch my AOL account back to ACCESS NEEDED, for the remainder
of the trip and then switch it back. Who knows. What I do know is it is 1:00pm and there is no food in my grandma's
house, and there is no car to go find food in. Damn. My mom got back and we went to El Torito for lunch.
It was good. Shortly my dad got back from his lunch with customers. We pakced up the truck again and drive
the two hours to South Tahoe. We are staying at the Best Western. The room is kinda small, and completely full
with luggage. We went to Harrahs Casino for dinner. They have a buffet. I wrote down all I ate because In thought
it would b funny to read.
Here is the list:
Pasta with Sausage
1 slice of Pepperoni Pizza
Prime Rib
Roasted Potatoes
Onion Rings
Brocolli Chicken
1/2 spare rib
chiken leg
Had one bit of bread pudding, Lemom Meringe, Chocolate Black Forest Cake, minature cheescake. 4/3rds
of a fruit tart and 3 glasses of coke.
I felt pretty sick after all this but it was fun. I havent eatten this much for a long time.
That pretty much catches you up. The nights will be boring. It is a family vacation. I
think we are going to rent a boat for a few hours tommorow or the next day. It should be fun.
8/13/02- I think this is the earliest I have ever gotten up on my own. 8:30am
I don't know what to do now that I am up, but I'm sure there will be something.
Well it is now 3:55pm. Shortly after waking up I went and got coffee at Starbucks. After watching
a little tv and drinking coffee Alexandra and went downstairs and eat our conmplimentary breakfast. It was prett good, eggs,
sausage, toast, and hash browns. We decided to rentn sea-doos today. We were going to get one three seater but we got
two two-seaters. My mom and sister on one and me on another. After telling my mom and sister the rules and letting
them go, he told me I would get a faster one. It looked like the others. I wouldnt know till later how fast mine
really was. The worst part is the inital 5mph zone. It takes forever to get past the marker but once you do, damn.
Mine was fast. I put on the digital speedometer because the analog wasnt too accurate. The fasted I saw it get
up to was 44mph but it was hard to watch while going over the wake of other boats. One of the functions this water craft
had interested me. It would keep track of the maximum speed reached. I figured I woul watch when I could but when
I was done would take a peak at the max mph. After 30min of my 1hr time slot, the craft began to beep. Low Fuel
it said on the screen. I did not look foward to becoming stranded out there, so I gave it one last hard run and began
to bring it in. I checked the max mph.....50mph. While 50mph might not seem that fast, on the water in the open
air it feels a lot faster. The employee was glad I had brought the sea-doo in when I did. It wouldn't of made
it much farther. I walked around the water until my mom and sister came in. They told me the fastest they ever
got up to was 38mph. Hopefully next time I can get one that can go all the way up to 70mph like the speedo promised.
I talked to the women working there and she said they had faster ones but they were all broken. People flipped them
over more often when they were going that fast. Maybe next time. After that adventure we walked down the beach
a mile or so. Kinda a pain but not oo bad. We eat at this healthy earthy place called Sprouts. I got a turkey
sandwich, but this was no common turkey sandwich. It had sprouts, cabbage, carrets, and otehr things I can not identitfy.
It tasted pretty good though. We walked back to the hotel and that is where I am now at 4:17pm
Tonight was quite an experience. Because my parents had dinner with my dad's customers, my sister
and I had dinner with there kids. Well they weren't really kids. John will be a 3rd year at UCSD. Jennifer
is going to law school in D.C. Erin is going into her 3rd year at USC. Johns older sister ,Melissa, came and went.
They picked us up at our hotel and took us to Chevys. Food sucked but it was a good place to break the ice. John
and I are very similar in music, sense of humor, car taste, and sports. Pretty much a cool guy that I look foward to
looking up when I get to UCSD. Erin was a little quite but nice. She likes USC, but I didnt really talk converse
with her enough tosee what she is like. Jennifer is a little more wild. She drives like crap, but is outgoing.
I cannot see her being a lawyer but who knows. Based on her academic achievements she has to be a very smart girl, but
she didnt act all brainy. Melissa was coll but she only came with us to Baskin Robbins. She didn't sit and watch
Ocean Eleven with us, or the original Robin Hood. After Chevys we went to Erin's parents condo. It is nice.
We just sat back and wathed some movies, some tv, and a good time. I like meeting new people. Before my orientation
I dreaded it, now I can't find anything more fun. I used to get soo nervous. Now I just find myself laughing during
all the awkward moments. Well it is now 12:52am and I am pretty tired. Got up too early this morning. Goodnight.
There was one funny thing I wanted to say. At Baskin Robbins they were out of choclate ice cream,
they were out of chocolate chip cookie dough, and out of lids for their shakes. It was one of the wierder Baskin Robbins experiences
I have had. In the end I got a scoop of rootbeer float ice cream which was more wierd than good.
8/14/02-Today should be really boring compared to yesterday. I got up at 10:00am,
walked some place for breakfast and now I am going to walk over to Savon to buy some water and groceries.
It is 3:05pm now. I was right about the day being boring when compared to yesterday. The bad
news is today has been boring when compared to nothing. I am sore from the sea-dooing yesterday. I think
I dislocated my left elbow again. but it was worth it. We decided to go down to the beach of the lake. It is like
a beach beach except there are no waves,no seaweed, and no change in depth for 500 yards. It got boring quickly.
Two words for you: rock skipping. My sister and I were reduced to skipping a rock. Not rocks but the same rock
over and over again. After one of us would throw it, I would go get it. After about 15 minutes of this we went
inside. We skipped lunch for some reason. We are gonna go see a movie I think and to dinner, so maybe the day
can take a trun for the better. Who knows? I do, it is gonna suck no matter what. Pessimistic, hell ya!!
It is 9:05pm. I am going to admit it right off the bat. I can't hide it anymore. It has
been eating me up on the inside. I saw XXX today at 4:45pm, and you know what, I liked it. Yea, you heard me.
I go to movies to be entertained and this thing entertained the hell out of me. Sure it was corny. Sure it had
little plot, but it was fun to watch. Hate me if you wish. My review of the movie is very similar to Roger
Ebert's review, if you are wondering what I was thinking. Well, after the movie we had a dinner reservation to meet.
The concierge recommended this place and told us how busy it would be. How we needed to make a reservation as early
as possible. We arrive at this resturant. The parking lot had about 4 cars in it. The place looked old.
We stood outside for a while contemplating staying or leaving. Suddenly an old couple came out. My dad asked,"
Hows the food."
The old women replied,"The food is excellent and presentation is wonderful."
Her husband stood there staring blankly.
My dad answered, "Thanks."
The old women spoke again. "Prices are reasonable."
My dad replies again, "Super."
The old women speaks again. " And the service is good too."
At this point my dad and i just kinda walk away. Well we decided to eat there. Let me say
right away the food was excellent and the presentation was wonderful. Well let me began with some dinner
anecdotes. The person who sat us and took our drink orders tried to make small talk. He mentioned something about
it being hot whatever.
My dad said, "Actually we were able to sneak in a movie."
Now I don't know why the waiter proceeded to use sneak 3 more times. Maybe it is his uncanny
ability to adapt to his customers vocabulary. I will list the three instances.
"Let me sneak the wine list in there with your menu."
"Let me just sneak your plates away for you."
"I will just sneak the dessert menu on the table."
If you have seen Mr. Deeds it is a little more funny.
Our waiter would make a clicking noise every time he finished a sentence so that was wierd, but whatever.
I am in the hotel room. As I said no night life on a family vacation. I was wondering, when am I gonna meet that
really hot and nice girl I am supposed to meet when I am on vacation. Alex knows what I am talking about.
It just never seems to happen. My parent ordered one of thosein room movies, The Rookie. It is supposed to be
good, but it is very "Disney" if you know what I mean. Well signing off.
8/15/02- It is 2:45pm. Not much has happened today. I got up at 9:30am.
My parents and I walked to some place to get coffee. It took forever to get there. When we got back we packed
up all our bags. Today we switched from the hotel room to the condo. I took pictures of both and will put them
up when I get home. The condo is really nice. It has 3 bedrooms and two bathrooms. One bedroom in the condo
is the size of the entire hotel room. We will be staying here for the next two nights. My dad informed me today
that we are coming back on Saturday instead of Sunday, which really isnt good or bad. I just wish we would have been
in the condo from the start. This is the same condo I was in two nights ago with John, Erin, and Jennifer. They
were in it before us. I think we are going to rent a boat tommorow and pull the intertube behind. That should
be pretty fun. It was only 85 degrees here today which is hot for Tahoe but not for g-town. We don't really have
any plans for tonight, and no dinner reservation, so we will just sit back and relax in here I guess. I will probably
be online tonight because of this so say whats up if you see pht 3rd online. Bye.
It is 8:17pm now. I am very angry. Not one person noticed I had all the dates for my vacation
log dream log in July. Oh well, fixed now. We reserved a boat fro 9:30am tommorow for two hours. Sound
be fun and exciting. I will be able to bring the camera. Having it on the boat is a little less risky than bringing
it on the sea-doo. Tonight I just watched some football, listened to some music, went to Savon to get some food for
the condo, and ordered Dominos pizza for dinner. Nothing too exciting but kinda relaxing. I hope people are actually
reading all this because I am putting in way too much time writing it. That reminds me, I need a haircut too.
Also, I added a Talbotronnedation. First new one in 4 days, sorry about that. Well talk to you all later, hopefully.
8/16/02- It is 2:56pm. I had to get up at 8:30am today. I thought I was going to feel like crap, but I
felt fine. Weird. Had a some eggs and toast, and then go ready for the boating adventure. We had a reservation at 9:30am.
It wasnt till about 9:50am that we were actually on the water. We had to get the tube and life jackets, and hear the same
"watercrafts don't have breaks" deal. Well, because I had done it before I was the first to go. It was a perfect day except
for some haze. 80 degrees or so. I hopped into the tube. My dad had never driven a boat before, but he is smart so I figured
it wouldn't be a problem. This boat we got was only two months old and really fast. Well my dad started out slow. I got bored
so I gave him the signal to go faster. It would seem he took it personally because he went plenty fast. It felt like 100mph.
Water from the outboard was shooting in my face. It was still fun mind you, but crazy. Well my dad slingshot me a couple times
across the wake, but he still wasn't sure how to do it. I want you to be able to picture this. I was sitting in the tube with
my feet out in from of me. My hands were holding on to the handles. The key is to not let your feet hit. If they do your screwed.
You may water ski barefooted for a good .5 seconds, but after that you are gonna hit the water, and hard. I had just jumped
the wake going from left to right when my right foot pushed into the water. I closed my eyes after that but I could feel myself
doing some sort of barrel role. It stung like a mother...... I wasnt really sure how fast my dad was going, but the boat had
a 60mph speedo. Well. I was hurting pretty bad, so I decided to come in an give my sister a shot. I climbed in to the boat
and asked my dad how fast he was going. He said "About 50." I had gone tubing with Chris S before, but I didnt remember it
hurting that bad. My leg was still stinging. My sister was up next and it was decided that we would go a little slower for
her. My sister had a good ride. She stayed on for a long time. My dad decided to her a good whip around and made a sharp right
shooting her out left over the wake. It was good for a while but then she started hopping. We went over the wake from another
boat. She held on for a while but over one wave she got about a foot off the ground and got launched off. She was ready to
come in. My mom decided to try driving, and my sister decided to go back out. Well my mom did not have time to learn how sensitive
the throttle was. My sister had asked her to go nice and slow because she was still warning out from the last run. My mom
was quickly up to 45mph and Alex eat it pretty bad. The tube flipped over and she got smashed. My mom felt terrible, but what
can you do. I wanted to try my hand at the wheel. My dad decided to go next. We developed a system. Raise your left foot meant
slow down, and right foot meant speed up. I turned out to be pretty good at driving the thing. I didnt do anything too quickly.
My dad stayed on for a good while. I found that about 3100rpms was the best, or about 35mph. At that speed the rope would
stay out of the water, and I could still make sharp turns whipping the rider from one side of the wake to the other. That
was where the fun was. Sling shooting back and forth was great. Trailing behind the boat at 50mph and then eating crap was
not as fun. My mom decided to go next, but she wanted me to drive. She knew I would be a little gentler than my dad. I would
later learn how right she was. My mom was a bit nervous but she ended up loving it. She probably stayed out on the tube the
longest. Maybe 10-15 minutes. I had pretty much mastered the turning and correct speed for a good ride. After my mom came
in I decided to go one more time. My dad would drive. It was fun but crazy again. He would slingshot me so far to a side that
I would catch up to the boat on the side. This would cause slack in the rope. I would watch as the slack quickly disappeared.
I would come to a complete stop and back up to 40mph again. It hurt my neck a bit, hehe. Well after one specific wake jump
I let my foot hit the water again, but I was able to compensate and push back. I compensated too much and slide off back.
It didnt hurt much but it pushed my life jacket up onto my head. I quickly climbed back onto the tube and was ready to go
again. Now sometimes the rope would get caught in the wake, because the tow tether was pretty low. My dad accelerated very
quickly but cut the throttle for some reason letting the rope get caught in the water. It turned me around so that my back
was to the boat. I knew this wasnt going to be bad. My dad gave it a lot of throttle and the rope snapped me back around so
that I lost grip of the handle and slid my feet into the water. I think I did about 3 flips before coming to rest. Well I
came back in and drove my sister again for another ride. We had about 15 minutes left to get back without being charged a
late fee. Smoke from the Oregon fires had made everything hazy. We could tell how to get back to our pier. We saw two shiny
things that we remembered seeing before. We gave it full throttle and headed back. Our point of reference was correct. Our
two hours ended at 11:50am. We pulled in at 11:50.53am
I took pictures, so when I get home I will update. Unfortunately I only got a pictures of my sister tubing because I was
driving for my mom and dad, and no one could work the camera to take a picture of me.
All the people that had been helping us with the sea doos and boat were clearly foreign. One guy was Australian, one was
from Dublin, Ireland, and then our waitress at the restaurant at the pier was polish. Eventually we learned that Tahoe has
a student exchange program. People from Europe can come here and work during the summer. Cool little info.
Well, it is now 3:35pm. This is still the same entry but it has taken me about 40min to type all this. We were thinking
about leaving tomorrow morning for our now 8 hr drive, but because the condo is so nice, we might leave as originally planed,
on Sunday. We will just have to see. I will probably update again later today. Adios.
Well it is 8:52pm. After having such an exciting morning we decided to stay in the condo for the rest of the day.
I only left to check out the pool and to go get some steak to BBQ for dinner. Watched a little golf and a little
football. I added a new page to my site, The Review and Review page. I might delete the mistakes and celebrity
look a like page. I am going to make a poll if I can so people can vote whether to delete one or the other, or both.
It was crazy. It looked like some guy was flying a kite why walking in Lake Take, but the kit was pulling him on a knee
board. It was pretty sweet. I just wondered what would happen when the wind stopped. If you were in a kayak
or something it wouldnt matter as much. My family is debating whether to come back tommorow or Sunday. Looks like
Sunday, but wo knows. Other than the lack of night life and friends ( tears) it is kinda fun here. Too bad the
8 hour drive will suck. It will help me sympathize with my CAL friends who are driving( Dwight) I might upate
this entry one more time if I get bored tonight, otherwise, I look foward to writing tommorow. One more thing.
My dream page and movie review page would greatly improve with viewer interaction and submissions. Dont forget about
the lets make a story page either. Thanks everyone. Goodnight.
It is 10:38pm. Take the poll.
8/17/02- Its is 4:00pm. We did not rent a boat again, or go sea-dooing. I woke
up late, 10:30am, because we had no plans. My dad has spent the most the day watching the U.S. PGA Championship.
Boring stuff. Now that it the the weekend Tahoe has become much more touristy and crowded. The lake is full with
boats, and the shops are full of people. We went to this place called Sprouts for lunch. I went there like
4 days ago, but I may not have mentioned it. It is a like a super healthy food place. It is very stange.
My turkey sandwhich has carrots, and cabbage, and onion, and wheat bread, and all this other stuff. Wierd but it tastes
ok so I eat it. We went to the store to buy hamburger meat for dinner. They have a bbq here at the condo, so that
is pretty cool. We decided to eat at the condo instead of going out, beause when we get home we will not have that luxury.
Our kitchen is being redone and will be not be finished for quite some time, until about a week before I leave for SD.
We decided to leave early tommorow morning. About 6:00am or so. The earlier the better I think. I can sleep
for a while in the back, listen to music, and then drive part of the way back. 8 hours is kinda long, but with 6 CDs
it is bearable. Knowing my family since we are shooting for 6:00am we will leave at 9:00am, but I can't do anything about
that. I will be back by 5:00pm at the latest then hopefully. Too late to say goodbye to my buddies, but
early enough to do something that night. I will enter again before the day is done. Dont forget to check out the
8/18/02- It is 12:12am. I guess I lied. I didnt enter again before the day
was done. Oh well. The rest of yesterday was uneventful. When at the store I bought Import Tuner and Truckin.
Quite a combination. The women working the checkout lane looked at me like I was crazy. Tahoe is pretty freaking
white with very few riced out cars. I actually missed my little buddies from the orient. Just playing. I do miss
them, but they arent all little( Shawn) Spent the rest of the day watching Lethal Weapon, playing Uno, posting on www.mysporttrac.com, and trying to think of ways I can become rich. I packed everything I could a couple of hours ago, so I wont
have to do it today when I am tired as hell. See, I have a plan. If I stay up late...err early , I will
be tired and fall asleep for the drive home. When I wake up I will drive the rest of the way. I hope it works.
Most likely I wont sleep at all, and just be tired tonight. Well, see you all soon. Back to G-town for me.
Here is a picture of out hotel room |

We were in here for three nights. |
Here is my sister tubing |

Here I am driving the boat. |

The vacation was relaxing but it aged me a bit |
Here is a picture of the family room in the condo. |

Here is a picture of my room in the condo. |
