Martin F
1st-I had a dream I was already in my second quarter of college. Things were going well, I just had one thing which stood
out of place. It started after my comparative lit class, I biked to my dorm room to pick up scuba gear and some heavy artillery
shells. I I kept asking myself why I needed these, then I remembered. i had just enrolled in a class titled "underwater basket
weaponry" and I was running late. I get to the pool ten minutes late and jump in. when I reach the pool floor everything is
set up just like a preoject class, tables arranged in rows and a chalkboard at the end. the teacher was jamaican and apparently
could talk and breath underwater. (through a glitch in my dream or the subconscious stereotype that jamaicans have superhuman
lung capacity) He looked like bob marley. Everyone turns around to see my entrance. He brings the class back to attention,"anyway,
as we were, we were placing the barrels in our baskets" I look at my desk and see a hybrid between an a cannon and a basket.
thats the most I can remember, oh and I had a cookie after the class.
2nd-I had a strange dream a few nights back, I was at a party with my girlfriend. The setting was a dimly lit art deco
mansion, high wals, plaster pillars painted peach. Most of the crowd was of the hollywood glamour after-party scene,
with a few familiar faces every now and then. Katia is mad at me for some reason bt I cant fathom why. Next thing I know
I 'm carrying her and laying her down on a bed, she's sound asleep. I walk out of the room and find myself in a roman bathhouse
filled with eels and snakes, katia's mother is sitting on the steps at the far end smirking. I walk out and see katia storm
off again into the crowd. I follow her and end up at a bar, where the entire cast of Spin City is bartending. I see that everyone
is making drinks and I notice three empty bottles and a glass by charlie sheen. He's not serving anyone drinks. Then some
random guy behind me says, "when theres and empty glass at a bar, charlie sheen has got to be around." Sitcom laughter pours
in from nowhere. thats the most I can recall.
3rd-Ok this happened on the night I had a moderately
severe migraine. I went to sleep at seven thirty. well, first it starts out as a collection of jumbled images, a countless
multitude pass by until tthey form space around me. The jumbled space forms into a classroom. It looks like hoffmeisters room
one moment, then shifts to a different class, the walls continuously shift. I am seated at the far back of the class. Some
people I knew from high school are there, Don for one, he sits next to me. The teacher is an actor I know (but for the
life of me I cant remember his name, he played a teacher on Boston Public, the one who wanted to teach that controversial
lesson about racism and the "n" word.) he sits down on his desk and starts cracking jokes. He's a funny guy. For some reason
I dont pay attention while the class is rapt. when I do pay attention he's finishing up an old joke I had in previous
dream, one about charlie sheen and alchocol. Anyway he finishes wisecracking. I can tell I like this guy. He pulls down the
projector screen and starts a homemade movie about him. Nothing memorable happens until the end. He's a dj at a school dance.
Suddenly I'm standing behind him with my friend victor. We're wearing zoot suits. We push him aside and begin scratching on
the turntable. Everyone loves us. Don is laughing his ass off. My next class is art class and there's a new teacher, a kind
old english woman. Suddenly I realize everyone there is in ninth grade, as well as myself. well we all draw the same picture
of a big headed cartoon kid, and class ends. I walk out thinking of a fictional female Director who in my dream I adore. I
walk along the quads and realize its dark and damp, like its just rained. Not only that the quads are twice as large, and
there's no space between the 100 and 400 quads. I try to find my locker but forget where it is. As I'm searching I see different
events. A few students are jumping across the rooftop like in crouching tiger hidden dragon. A little kid is bullied by a
huge kid, the little kid does a barrel roll somersault and kicks the bullie's head into the lockers. A senior tries to pick
up a sophmore. There's a guy who's spinning five yo-yo's at once. I give up and walk home. Along the way the streets turn
into a blend of glendora avenue and san francisco. I see some of the friends I used to talk to outside a restaurant. first
tammy walks out, she looks surprised, but then gives a cold and embarrased hello. next comes jason who does the same.
The twins come out, then shawn, then ting, they all go through the same routine. I feel lonely in front of all of them, and
pace off quickly, hurt. They cram into a gray Ford Focus. Reality shifts again, and I'm sitting down in this stranger's
house.There's a girl abuot my age seated next to me. She's smiling, This entire house is warm and quiet, and the windows are
pouring in the orange yellow sunset. Everything has this cozy slightly moldy dark cornered cottage feel to it. This girl to
my understanding, likes me. I try to brush her off, by drawing on a peice of paper, Next thing I know she's giving me a back
rub, but it hurts. yet in my dream I couldnt stop her. So she kept hurting me, until she stops and yells triumphantly "lets
take out the trash!" I follow her, and theres no trashcan anywhere. She stops, and yells again "lets take uot the trash!"
I'm worried at this bizarre behavior and try to just walk away. The house is a maze of sorts. I walk into a prison area, cells
to the left and right. To the left there is an open cell with two huge samoan guys trying to lift someone. when I get closer
I eralize they are fat version of Don and Matt talbot, and they're carrying ting, who's unconscious. They're
trying to fit her through a tiny window, but its too small. In my logic at the moment I realized she had to wake up first,
then she could fit through the window. I talk to her, trying to wake her up. she comes to then squeezes through the window,
as well as the two fat guys. I'm stuck inside the house. I somehow get angry, turn into the incredible hulk and punch through
the wall. I'm on the street to Jason's house, only everything is different, except for the street sign and joson's house.
I begin to walk down to foothill, only to find a freeway there, and I realize I'm in seattle. I walk along the freeway and
it becomes wider. Daytime sets in. A ford Focus screeches by me and stops. Ting opens the door, except she's dressed like
some guy (whats his face, who has the song, "I'm walking away") she says "get in" very happily, I get in the back, and her
sister is there, and she's dressed like an asian pop star. Their mom is driving, but for some reason, she isnt her mom. anyway
I begin to wake up at that time so the dream dissolves. Longest dream in a while.